Welcome to Eagle Vale High School
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Eagle Vale High School.
Here at Eagle Vale High School, we believe that the most important people to enter the school grounds each day are the students. We take our responsibility for their learning seriously, and we meet the challenges of teaching and learning for all students with strong collective knowledge, skills, wisdom and great enthusiasm.
Our vision statement, an engaged community of learners that together build positive futures, underpins all decision-making processes across the school to ensure all students participate in a safe, positive, challenging and optimistic school environment; where students achieve academic success and aspire to personal greatness.
The school is committed to continuous improvement through professional development, to embed high impact teacher practice that supports a shared understanding of the learning process to develop a high-support, high-expectations environment.
Our school community works together to support all students with their learning, in a safe and supportive environment. All students at our school are expected to respect the right of teachers to teach, and of students to learn.
We are very keen to involve our community in our learning, developing true partnerships that value each student. There are many opportunities for parental and community involvement. We hope that through your participation and interest you will also come to feel very much a part of our school and its warm and generous community.
I am extremely proud of our highly qualified and very committed staff, along with the achievements of our students.
I look forward to meeting you soon, whether that be at one of the Principal’s Coffee Club get-togethers held each term, at one of our special assemblies or, the Strategic Plan update evening that will be held early in the year.
Craig Butler