Eagle Vale High School

An engaged community of learners who together build positive futures.

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Stage 4 and 5

PDHPE (personal development, health and physical education) is one of the curriculum learning areas studied by all students in Years 7 to 10.

The NSW Board of Studies requires all students to complete a minimum of 300 hours of study across Years 7 to 10. Students studying PDHPE will learn about a variety of health and physical activity topics to develop the knowledge and skills needed to lead active, healthy and fulfilling lives.

This subject addresses current adolescent health issues and healthy lifestyle choices. The students are involved in a range of activities that will develop the skills to make informed decisions regarding personal and community health. 

Students develop their capacity to enhance personal health and well-being, enjoy an active lifestyle, maximise movement potential and advocate life-long health and physical activity. All students participate in practical and theory lessons throughout the week.

Two periods of practical physical education lessons. During this lesson, students are expected to change into their Eagle Vale High School physical education uniform and one period of theoretical health and personal development lessons.

The PDHPE Years 7 to 10 syllabus content is divided into 4 strands:

  • Strand 1 - Self and relationships
  • Strand 2 - Movement skill and performance
  • Strand 3 - Individual and community health
  • Strand 4 - Lifelong physical activity
  • Strand 5 - Communicating, decision making, interacting, moving, planning and problem-solving.

For more information, please refer to support documentation.

Stage 5 elective

Schools develop programs by selecting one or more modules from each area of study. In addition, schools may develop their own modules to address areas of interest not covered in the modules provided in the syllabus. The course has a strong focus on learning through movement so programs should use selected movement applications to explore the areas of study where appropriate.

The content is organised in modules within the following three areas of study:

  • Foundations of physical activity
    • body systems and energy for physical activity
    • physical activity for health
    • physical fitness
    • fundamentals of movement skill development
    • nutrition and physical activity
    • participating with safety
  • Physical activity and sport in society
    • Australia's sporting identity
    • lifestyle, leisure and recreation
    • physical activity and sport for specific groups
    • opportunities and pathways in physical activity and sport
    • issues in physical activity and sport
  • Enhancing participation and performance
    • promoting active lifestyles
    • coaching
    • enhancing performance – strategies and techniques
    • technology, participation and performance
    • event management.

For more information, please refer to physical activity and sports studies Year 7 to 10 syllabus.