Eagle Vale High School is committed to supporting parents and families and encourages parents to regularly visit our school career website to view up-to-date information and opportunities to engage with child development experts and other parents.
TAFE delivered vocational education and training (TVET)
The HSC (Higher School Certificate) allows students to undertake study in a variety of vocational areas that provide work-related skills and knowledge. These vocational education and training (VET) courses count as units of study towards the HSC and many can also be used in the calculation of your Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR). For further information: seek advice from your careers advisor or visit the South Western Sydney Institute TVET website.
School-based apprenticeships or traineeships
A school-based apprenticeship (SBA) or traineeship (SBT) combines paid work with TAFE training and school. The SBA option is equivalent to the first year of a full-time apprenticeship, whilst an SBT will provide a certificate of proficiency in the traineeship area- a great start for your post-school career options!
Both of these options allow students to obtain valuable work skills and experience whilst undertaking paid part-time work as part of their HSC study. If you would like to know more, we encourage you to contact your careers advisor or the TVET unit at South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE.
Parents and families
Parents and families have an incredible influence on the development of young people, regardless of whether this influence is conscious or not. This includes an influence on career decision making.
The NSW Department of Education and Training has collated some interesting and useful tips and careers information to support parents and families. If you have any questions please contact your careers advisor or refer to parents and community.
Useful websites
Following are some of the useful websites:
- School based apprenticeships
- TVET for school students (TAFE while at school)
- Australian apprenticeships
- School to work
University websites:
- Western Sydney University
- Charles Sturt University
- The University of NSW
- Macquarie University
- The University of Sydney
- University of technology
- University of Wollongong
- The University of Newcastle
- University of Canberra
- Industrial relations
- Defence force
Various links to help you with job search: