Eagle Vale High School

An engaged community of learners who together build positive futures.

Telephone02 4626 5088


Vocational education and training

Eagle Vale High School has a strong and proud record of vocational education and training (VET).

We offer six framework courses and one board endorsed course (BEC).

  • Hospitality – food and beverage
  • Business
  • Metal and engineering
  • Construction
  • Entertainment
  • BEC in sport coaching
  • Certificate I Manufacturing (metals specialisation)

Eagle Vale High School's management plan stipulates a strong and dedicated focus on VET and career pathways for all senior students. Consequently, priority is placed on teacher professional development, maintaining industry currency, and meeting all registered training organisations (RTO) compliance. Our focus is also on maintaining industry standard facilities and equipment in our learning areas. As such we have refurbished the hospitality kitchen to the commercial standard and built a coffee lounge area with the help of VET construction students.

In 2006, we received a funding grant from the federal government to refurbish our metal and engineering welding and fabrication area to industry standard. It is now completed and in student use.

At Eagle Vale High School we have:

  • Highly qualified teachers, who have extensive industry experience

  • We offer all VET courses up to Certificate II level, with the opportunity to gain apprenticeships and traineeships

  • Conduct course information sessions and career guidance

  • Established links with organisations such as my gateway, hospitality training network and the Australian Apprenticeship Access Program. These organisations provide access to career expo, interview planning, CV preparation and arrange interviews with prospective employers.

  • Strong links with TAFE

  • We have special events to support VET students - work readiness program, parent information evenings, Year 10 subject selections and award presentations

State of the art entertainment facilities

Our state of the art entertainment facilities are used for student learning, the school community, our feeder primary schools and other local community organisations in partnership with Eagle Vale High School. This project is worth $1 million and was funded through a federal government grant.

Over the last 6 years, we have actively worked with our industry partners to establish strong and ongoing links and partnerships in a range of frameworks. We have accessed their facilities for learning and work placements, as well as their technical expertise. We see this as being vital to the learning outcomes and career opportunities for our students.

Trade training centre

Eagle Vale High School has established a Metal and Engineering Trade Training Centre in partnership with manufacturing industries. We offer students opportunities in a variety of engineering training packages; industrial tech, metal (Years 9 to 10), Certificate I Manufacturing (Year 10), Certificate II  Engineering (Years 11 to 12). Upon completing this course students have the opportunity to gain an apprenticeship with our industry partners or go into further training at TAFE.

The school received $1.1 million to refurbish into Metal and Engineering Trade Training Centre. This is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in trade career path or an apprenticeship.

Work placement

Work placement is very different to work experience (which is usually done in Year 10) as the work placement is directly related to the subject the student is studying and it is a mandatory component of the subject. Students also turn up on the first day with some skills they have already learnt in the classroom. For further information, please refer to placement website. For any VET information please contact the VET co-ordinator Mrs Manu Chugh.