The aim of the drama Years 7 to 10 syllabus is to engage and challenge students to maximise their dramatic abilities and enjoyment of drama and theatre through making, performing and appreciating dramatic and theatrical works.
Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills, individually and collaboratively, through:
- making drama that explores a range of imagined and created situations in a collaborative drama and theatre environment
- performing devised and scripted drama using a variety of performance techniques, dramatic forms and theatrical conventions to engage an audience
- appreciating the meaning and function of drama and theatre in reflecting the personal, social, cultural, aesthetic and political aspects of the human experience.
Students will value and appreciate:
- the collaborative and diverse nature of drama and theatre
- the contribution of drama and theatre to enriching and sustaining cultures and societies.
Stage 5
Drama is a subject where students are encouraged to express themselves, develop confidence and work closely with others. Students in Year 9 and 10 can elect to study drama. During their study of the subject, students engage in the competencies of making, performing and appreciating drama. Students learn about the elements of drama, elements of production, performance styles, dramatic forms and dramatic techniques and theatrical conventions.
Students that chose drama in Year 9 to 10 will learn about:
- playbuilding
- duologues
- greek theatre
- commedia dell'arte
- monologues
- stanislavski and his ‘method'
- slapstick comedy
- puppetry.

Stage 6
Students study the practices of making, performing and critically studying in drama. Students engage with these components through collaborative and individual experiences.
Preliminary course content
Comprises an interaction between the components of improvisation, playbuilding and acting, elements of production in performance and theatrical traditions and performance styles. Learning comes from practical experiences in each of these areas.
HSC course content
Australian drama and theatre and studies in drama and theatre involve the theoretical study through practical exploration of themes, issues, styles and movements of traditions of theatre, exploring relevant acting techniques, performance styles and spaces.
The group performance of between three and six students involves creating a piece of original theatre (8 to 12 minutes duration). It provides an opportunity for each student to demonstrate his or her performance skills.
For the individual project, students demonstrate their expertise in a particular area. They choose one project from critical analysis or design or performance or script-writing or video drama.
Main topics
Preliminary course are:
- improvisation, playbuilding, acting
- elements of production in performance
- theatrical traditions and performance styles.
HSC course are:
- Australian drama and theatre (core content)
- studies in drama and theatre
- group performance (core content)
- individual project.