Eagle Vale High School

An engaged community of learners who together build positive futures.

Telephone02 4626 5088



Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.

In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
  • Physics.

In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.

Stage 4 and 5

Junior science is a mandatory course studied by all students in Years 7 to 10.

At Eagle Vale High School the experienced science teachers prepare students to critically engage with the world in which they live by acquiring a wide range of scientific knowledge, understanding and skills to work scientifically.

In Year 7 and 8 (Stage 4) students expand on their foundation of knowledge from the primary years science and technology syllabus and become engaged in the earth and space and physical, chemical, and living worlds of science.

Through dynamic lessons, fieldwork and practical hands-on experiences, students acquire the skills to conduct experiments, solve problems and think scientifically. Students in Stage 4 also complete two research projects and range of formative assessments to guide their learning and development.

The Year 7 to 10 science syllabus is organised into five strands:

  • Skills: Working scientifically 
  • Context: Content from across the skills and the Knowledge and understanding strands is integrated through contexts that recognise the nature, development, use and influence of science
  • Knowledge and understanding: Physical world, earth and space, living world, chemical world.

All students are required to dress appropriately to maintain safety in laboratory conditions.


The school farm is a productive and effective learning space for the students in support at Eagle Vale High School. Each term we study a different aspect of farming like dairy production, chickens and eggs, cropping, vegetables and the needs of animals and plants. We have new chickens that are producing yummy eggs and a variety of seasonal vegetables. The students plant, harvest and process the vegetables to be sold to the staff. We are continuing to improve and increase production and variety to improve the students' knowledge of farming and the environmental factors that affect the yield of crops.

Stage 6

The course is divided into a preliminary course and a HSC course. The preliminary course contains 4 modules covering core content studied in 120 indicative hours. The HSC course contains 3 modules covering core content and one option totalling 120 indicative hours.

Practical and fieldwork are an essential component of this course. Students are required to complete practical work totalling 80 hours over the two years. Each year one open-ended investigation integrating skill and knowledge outcomes from the course is required to be completed.


Preliminary modules 120 hours

The Stage 6 Biology modules cover information from the following modules:

  • a local ecosystem
  • patterns in nature
  • life on earth
  • evolution of Austrlian biota.

Higher school certificate 120 hours

The Stage 6 Biology modules cover information from the following modules:

  • maintaining a balance
  • blueprint of life
  • the search for better health
  • option (5 choices).

Options which constitute 30 indicative hours and include any one of the following:

  • communication
  • biotechnology
  • genetics – the code broken down
  • the human story
  • biochemistry.


Preliminary modules 120 hours

The Stage 6 chemistry modules cover information from the following modules:

  • the chemical earth
  • metals
  • water
  • energy.

Higher school certificate modules 120 hours

The Stage 6 chemistry modules cover information from the following modules:

  • productions of materials
  • acidic environment
  • chemical monitoring and management
  • option (5 choices).

Options which constitute 30 indicative hours and include any one of the following:

  • industrial chemistry
  • shipwrecks, corrosion and conservation
  • the biochemistry of life
  • the chemistry of art
  • forensics.


Preliminary modules 120 hours

The Stage 6 physics modules cover information from the following modules:

  • the world communicates
  • electrical energy in the home
  • moving about
  • the cosmic engine.

The Stage 6 physics modules cover information from the following modules:

  • space
  • motors and generators
  • from ideas to implementation
  • option (5 choices).

Options, which constitute 30 indicative hours and include any one of the following:

  • geophysics
  • medical physics
  • astrophysics
  • from quanta to quarks
  • the age of silicon.