Eagle Vale High School

An engaged community of learners who together build positive futures.

Telephone02 4626 5088


School uniform

Eagle Vale High School is a uniform school. Our uniform is unanimously endorsed by our student leadership team and our parent body and as such, all students are expected to wear full school uniform each school day.

The wearing of our uniform is an expectation of Eagle Vale High School and is directly related to the positive image that our school holds within the community.

The compliance with our uniform code includes wearing appropriate shoes for workshop areas and the relevant PE and Sport Uniform as appropriate during PDHPE lessons and sporting activities.  In accordance with the Safe Working Policy, the Department has identified areas of its workplaces where appropriate footwear must be worn by employees, students and visitors to ensure their safety.  Areas where enclosed leather footwear (or other material confirmed by the manufacturer to be suitable, refer to Australian/NZ Standard 2210:  Safety Protective and occupational footwear) is required are:  Industrial Arts, Science and Foot Technology (kitchen areas).  Open footwear or canvas shoes are not permitted.  If students present for a class or activity with inappropriate footwear the student should be offered alternative educational activities until they are wearing appropriate footwear.

Please note: All school uniform to be purchased onsite at our School Uniform Shop. See Order Form and Price List. The School Uniform shop is open to parents Monday 8:15am-9:30am, Wednesday 11am - 12:30pm and Friday 2:00pm - 3:30pm.