English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling.
An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.
The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.
Technology in the classroom
All English classrooms are equipped with smartboards and students to have access to laptops and a variety of different technologies that helpĀ students engage with the outside world. Our curriculum incorporates technology that students can use in their everyday student careers. Students are provided with opportunities to publish their work through a variety of electronic mediums for curriculum understanding and enjoyment.
Stage 4
In Stage 4 English students respond to a variety of texts critically, imaginatively and interpretively and will learn how to compose accurate, clear and coherent texts of their own. They will spend their time in Stage 4 English developing their reading comprehension and their ability to engage with a text. They will also learn to improve the quality of their own written responses and will be guided into the use of PEETEL (Point, Explanation, Evidence, Technique, Evaluate and Link) in order to help them to structure effective extended writing samples.
Students will be exposed to a range of texts such as poetry, drama, novel, film, multimedia in both fiction and non-fiction genres. They will learn to identify the techniques used by composers that create meaning and will experiment with their own use of these techniques in the writing that they produce.

Stage 5
In Stage 5 English students will be continuing to develop their ability to critically engage with texts. They will learn to analyse and evaluate increasingly sophisticated texts and will be engaging and responding to a comprehensive range of imaginative, factual and critical texts. Students will consider the purpose, audience and contexts for the texts that they encounter and will critically assess the techniques used in these texts. They will use their understanding of these elements to compose their own effective writing samples.
Students in this stage will learn to develop their own unique style in their personal, imaginative, critical and analytical compositions. They will work through the composing process, including planning, researching, drafting, conferencing, editing and publishing. They will continue to refine their use of PEETEL (Point, Explanation, Evidence, Technique, Evaluate and Link) as a writing scaffold and will reflect on their composing processes throughout the course.
In Stage 5 students will be exposed to a range of texts such as poetry, drama, novel, film, multimedia in both fiction and non-fiction genres. They will continue to identify the techniques used by composers that create meaning and will further experiment with their own use of these techniques in the writing that they produce.
Stage 6
In Stage 6 the study of English is mandatory. Courses offered include:
- English Advanced
- English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)
- English Extension 1
- English Extension 2
- English Standard
- English Studies.
Through the study of English in Stage 6 students continue to develop their capacity to understand and use the English language for a variety of purposes and in various textual forms. Students engage with and explore a variety of texts that include widely acknowledged quality literature of past and contemporary societies. Through their responding and composing of both critical and creative texts, students develop an understanding of themselves and of diverse human experiences and cultures. The study of English in Stage 6 provides students with opportunities to experiment with ideas and expression, to become innovative, active, independent learners, to collaborate and to reflect on their learning.